My most recent book is now available. It's a compilation of poems I selected and translated from the Yiddish of Rosa Nevadovska, a Jewish poet born in Bialystok (Russia) in 1890 who passed away in New York City in 1971. I became acquainted with Nevadovska's work long ago when I was working on my dissertation (which became the book Recovering Yiddishland). In 2015-16, my Translation Fellowship at the Yiddish Book Center was devoted to an early draft of the poems in this new book. It's been a long journey, but I'm so happy the book is out!


LOUISVILLE, Ky. (May 16, 2023) – Voice & Vision: Presented by Spalding University’s Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing, The Louisville Review & 21c Museum Hotel will feature five distinguished authors, poets, and a filmmaker, for the upcoming program for the popular annual summer reading series on Thursday, May 18, 2023, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. at 21c Museum Hotel, 700 West Main St., in downtown Louisville.
The May program features writers Merle Lyn Bachman, John James, Amy M. Miller, Ellen Birkett Morris, and Ron Schildknecht. Hosted by Sena Jeter Naslund and Amy Foos Kapoor.
On March 19th, I was honored to be part of a panel of poet-translators organized by "Yetzirah," a new organization promoting Jewish poets and our poetry. I read a handful of poems from my manuscript, "Still Glimmering: Selected Poems by Rosa Nevadovska." The book is slated to be published in a bilingual format (Yiddish/English) by Ben Yehuda Press sometime in the Fall.
On January 8th, I kicked off the New Year by participating in a Zoom reading along with two other poets as part of the "Poetrio" series, which is based at the famous "Malaprop's Bookstore/Cafe" in Asheville, N.C. The link to the reading follows, below

My most recent book, Thank You for Being, was launched in San Francisco in May 2022, at a gallery in North Beach. It was a blast!
Here is a lovely review of the book, at Heavy Feather Review!
I also gave a local reading with two colleagues at Indiana's biggest indie bookstore (which just happens to be here in Bloomington), in July. The reading was packed with supporters and I, for one, sold all 10 of my books!